"JohnM" wrote in message
Ten days ago, eh? So what kept you from immediately reporting it on
alt.global-warming, sci.environment, sci.geo.meteorology and
sci.geo.oceanography as RC has now done?
Colomiaaccidentinvestigation posted concerning the paper in the 23rd.
"NASA - New Study Finds Ocean Warmed Significantly Since 1993"
Just for you, posted to alt.global.warming 24th May by Falcon in it's
Interesting comment on Lyman et al "Robust warming of the global upper
Roger Pielke Sr. has posted a comment [1] on an article which appeared in
Nature by Kevin Trenberth entitled, "The ocean is warming, isn't it?"
I mentioned a few days ago that Kevin was still concerned with his 'missing
heat'. The Trenberth commentary is, in turn, a response to the paper by John
M. Lyman et al: "Robust warming of the global upper ocean", which was
briefly mentioned here a few days ago. Kevin's article is worth reading.
However, what caught my eye in Roger's comment was this bit towards the end.
Roger writes: "There is also an interesting statement in the Lyman et al
2010 paper ".sea surface temperatures have been roughly constant since
2000." ...
(Now who would have imagined that?)
"...which I will discuss further in an upcoming post since this means any
global average surface temperature increase since 2000 must have occurred on
land (yet, as we have seen [2], there is a warm bias in the land surface
temperature trend assessments presented by NCDC, GISS and CRU)."
[1] "My Perspective On The Nature Commentary By Kevin Trenberth".
Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr. at
http://xrl.us/bhmux3 (Link to
[2] An alternative explanation for differential temperature trends at the
surface and in the lower troposphere. Klotzbach et al (2009) pdf version at
http://xrl.us/bhmuzc (Link to pielkeclimatesci.files.wordpress.com)
fide, sed cui vide. (L)