On 07/06/10 11:09, Hugh Newbury wrote:
On 07/06/10 10:25, Martin Rowley wrote:
"Hugh Newbury" wrote ...
(09:00UTC 07/06/10)
Ppn (standard gauge) 30 day rolling total 20.3mm
... 30d rolling total = 21.7 mm here. We keep being threatened rain -
forecast implied 'stand-by' for heavy showers yesterday, but as a
weekend, it turned out dry, warm& reasonably sunny. The ensembles
suggest more 'worthy' rain over the next 72 hours or so, so here's
Hope not on Wed pm: that's when my gardening lady comes. But yes, in
general we need rain of course. Having said that, it's still nice to sit
in the sun with the crossword!
Just looked outside. There has been a drop or two of ppn in the last few
minutes, but not enough to tip the bucket yet. No doubt more later.
Hugh Newbury