Desertphile wrote in
Yet more bad news; the past 12 months, according to NASA's Goddard
Space Flight's climatology reporting department, surpassed all
past recorded high temperatures for 12-month periods. Worse yet,
there is nothing we can do about reversing the problem: the CO2 we
put in the atmosphere will stay there for 200 or 300 years.
I see that MIT and Goddard have agreed that even if a way to
sequester that atmospheric CO2 were developed, it would be too
late to reverse the process--- a hell of a lot of anomalous heat
has been stored in the world's oceans (which has caused them to
rise by an average of 157.4 milimeters so far).
The good news is, the alarmist nutcases at FOX "News" tell us it
isn't really happening, so we all can stop worrying.
With 82% of the stations now REALLY documented, it's fairly easy to see why
the parking lots the thermometers are mounted in keep getting warmer,
especially the ones with the hot cars and trucks parked right next to the
Get a moped. Ride it out of town on a hot day when the thermometers in the
parking lots are recording record temps. Pick a route that drives by some
woods. Notice how it's 10C COOLER as you drive by the woods....even on the
road! This isn't a coincidence.
All the cool stations have been shut down, now. The data is ****.
Creationism is to science what storks are to obstetrics...