On 28 June, 14:43, Scott W wrote:
Further suggestions as to the reason are explained in this Daily Wail
article which includes a theory that these chemtrails consist of
chemicals that calm the population down?
Eh? Where does that article mention "chemtrails" (Apart from in the
comment section - and the Daily Mail comment section is probably
second only to that on YouTube for nut quotient)?
Of all the conspiracy theories I've come across on the internet (and
there are lots), the chemtrail one is undoubtedly the craziest. With
most such theories, you can kind of see why people might believe it,
but the notion that hundreds of airlines across the world are spraying
everybody with chemicals from their planes is just ... insane

You mention contrails that "stop and start" - I noticed one yesterday
actually, that had a very defined "start point". I put it down to air
streams of different temperatures and/or humidities, but now I see it
was all down to the New World Order's mind-control drugs. Silly me.