On Jul 6, 1:18*am, Sam Wormley wrote:
Methane releases in arctic seas could wreak devastation
Warming climate could lead to dead zones, acidification and shifts at
the base of the ocean’s food chain.http://www.sciencenews.org/view/gene...Methane_releas...
Hey "Wormley", methane is a step up for you! At least it's a
significant greenhouse gas. (unlike CO2) Which brings up a very
important point. Why aren't you having a cow over the gulf oil blowout
(it's NOT a "spill") Burning all that oil has to create one ginormous
"carbon footprint"! Why aren't you demanding "cap and trade" for
that? And even worse, what about all that methane (a REAL greenhouse
gas) being spewed by broken well? And even worse than that, what about
all that corexit solvent being dumped into the environment? I wonder
what will happen when that reaches the ozone hole? My guess is that
finally you'll get your wish and we will actually have a climate
change disaster. Just one little minor problem there Sam the Sham: You
forgot you live here with the rest of us. Got your ticket to Mars