14Nov - cold night
minimum here (Bracknell/Tawfield) -1.5degC, so *finally* the air frosts
have arrived. To put into context, last year (2003), the first air frost
occurred on the morning of the 21st *October*, and 5 such events in that
month; no long term records here to give a median value for the 'first
air frost', but I regard 14th November as quite late.
First autumn frost here in Warlingham (-2.1°C) too. In 21 years
recording the median date for this is 26 Oct, with a standard deviation of 20
days, though the average date is 3 Nov. The latest was 15 Dec 1999 and the
earliest was 8 Oct 1990.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, NE Surrey, 556 ft.