Now this is what I call interesting
My Comment:
I wonder what all of you think of this one.
You ought to start a Market Research Company Gavin!
Seriously though, I have gained an opinion over the last few years from what
I have read on here and elsewhere and looking at the models outputs etc. For
what it's worth, IMHO
1. They all have pretty much the same raw data input, or they should have.
2. Their algorithms often give completely different outcomes to each other
and if the data suddenly changes then a completely different outcome will be
the result.
3. As with the above synopsis, one scenario has a domino effect on others
and the variables are immense. It seems a bit like working out the outcome
of a chess move. OK one move ahead, trickier two moves, and so on. Each day
out is like a further move.Chess has no Chaos Theory to contend with!
4. Using that analogy I have concluded that these models are no Gary
5. Therefore, models and forecasts more than three days out are interesting
and complex but not something I can rely on.
I'm sure that in the next 5 days there will be far more factors than the two
highlighted that will decide if and who gets snow at the end of the week.
Dave. 5.9C, 2245Z - (Model fooling cloud-cover responsible!)