"Liz Owen" wrote in message
"Adam Lea" a écrit dans le message de news:
On 09/07/2010 20:59, Dawlish wrote:
Because of the heat, some in the SE will *die* tonight, who wouldn't
have done, had it been cooler;
Here you go:
I can't believe the Brits are only just cottoning on to this; the problems
in France in 2003 and during subsequent hot summers caused a great deal of
heart searching, especially as there were tales (new urban myths?) of
couples plus children scooting off to to 'la Mer' (the Med) or the 'Océan'
(Atalntic coast) for their sacrosanct fortnight, leaving an aged parent to
fend for him or herself, and coming back to a corpse - problem exacerbated
by the French insistence on having their holidays in precisely defined
As an aside, I would like to swap half a day of 17° misty West Cumbrian
coast weather (anywhere between Parton and Drigg would do) for what we've
got here in SW France where it is still mid-30s, very heavy and showing no
sign of improving any day soon
Liz Owen
Sorry but this is total over the top nonsense by UKMO and the NHS who seem
to have become partners in propaganda under the last government.
What once when I was a jid was jsut taken as weather i/e sun, wind, heat,
rain, snow, frost and fog , is now seen as an excuse by some moron down at
UKMO to turn the country red.
How did our forefathers ever survive with out this superfluous warnings
Far more people will die in the SE from crime and NHS infection so why not
put out warnings on that in every news bulletin?
I mean the NHS can do something aboput infections not about deadly
heatwaves though
Oops sorry can't do that it's not in the right-on-agenda.
By the way has anyone got a report on the heatwave toll of the last few
If anything a serious warning sould have been about wildlife , especially in
the towns and cities where water just isn't available in sustained dry
periods like this.