The October 1987 Hurricane
danny(West Kent) wrote:
Remember waking up, looked outside, realised what was happening.
The thing that sticks in my mind with this storm, unlike other 'gales', was
the consistency of the strength of wind. The noise was horrific.
In contrast, in this part of the world, it was the inconsistency of the
wind that I first noticed. I was awoken to the roaring of the wind but
this soon faded away. I looked out of the window to see the moon shining
brightly. After I got back into bed, the wind rose to a roar again. This
surging and dying of the wind continued for some time, each surge being
accompanied by the bang of next-door-neighbour's bedroom door.
A few days after the event, I was chatting to someone about it and he
said he'd slept through it. After dawn, when he finally began to
surface, he felt something tickling his face. He brushed it away but it
came back to tickle him again. This repeated for a while until he opened
his eyes to see that it was leaves brushing his face. These leaves were
attached to a tree which had crashed through his bedroom window.