Widespread disruption and damage in Belgium from the storms
On 15 July, 00:55, Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Jul 14, 11:42*pm, "jbm" wrote:
Gosh. We don't need any of that here, thanks.
Not a mention of this on the BBC news tonight. Of course, any one of those
events in the USA would have the BBC news full of it. Aren't we part of
Europe these days? I just do not understand the BBC's obsession with
jim, Northampton
* * You have a good point but have grossly overstated it. *Events of
that severity are commonplace in the USA in all seasons and never make
the news here.
True. On a recent visit to Memphis (in August 2008) I experienced a
rain event that practically paralysed the city, with flash flooding, a
couple of fatalities and many homes inundated. I, personally, have
never experienced rainfall of that intensity, it reduced the
visibility to about 50 yards at times. Such an event in the UK, when
it rarely happens (the Hampstead storm comes to mind), would produce
headlines for days. The Memphis event was top of the local news for a
day or two but it didn't reach national news level in the US.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.