Aurora alert
On Tue, 03 Aug 2010 19:57:07 +0100 (BST)
"Dave Liquorice" wrote:
Must check I've got enough film,
Film? Digits, doesn't cost anything per exposure...
It's not the cost, it's the quality. My best film camera [1] has more
lenses of higher quality than any digital I can afford. And its
exposure system is /far/ superior. I know it can take excellent
auroral photos set to "auto" because it did it at the last decent
display at my location about 15 years ago. Much better than my ideas
of exposure.
So, as this could be the first decent auroral display since the arrival
of digital cameras, which "program" are you going to use? Or set it to
Auto, or take a flying guess at exposure?
It also coped very well with the most recent Transit of Venus, which I
hope to repeat in just under two years time. (No, it doesn't have a
hole burnt in the shutter curtains...)
[1] Olympus OM4, with mainly Zuiko lenses.