July sea ice second lowest: oldest ice begins to melt
On Aug 6, 9:08*am, "Lawrence Jenkins" wrote:
"T T" wrote in message
ahhh, your gob****e wand at work again mr crap for brains gravy
On 05/08/2010 8:50 PM, Dawlish wrote:
Complete rubbish. Mistakes left right and centre. NOt worth pointing
them out to you as you won't learn from them anyway. Go away and do
some learning before you post on this subject again.
Terry the bloke can't post without letting his sneering Mrs Bucke't,
snobbish nasty arrogant , style ****e never far from the surface.
Funy though when Will chimed in on a post several months ago literally
agreeing with me on a topic the critiscism that **** Dalwish levelled at me
suddenly dissapeared in a puff of Devonshire smoke as he is so desperate to
gain some sort of kudos trynig to bath in Will's aura. Not Will's fault he a
level headed down to earth fellow with no pretentions what so ever even
though he is obviusly vcery good at what he does. Dawlish could learn a
thing or two , mind you the **** even fell out with one of the most
knowlegable yet gentlemanly cahps on this NG, the late Mike Tullet and that
shows the kind of cowardly scum he Dullish really is.
Yes Dullish you are a ****e bag.
Oh by the way *Dullish what I said was one hundred percent spot on. you
ingratiating Uriah Heap of a man.
I tell you what if you spoke like that to a mans face you'd get a broken
nose -but you wouldn't though would you; say it to a mans face that is.
Since you invariably lose all your arguments Mr Jenkins, it's not
surprising you resort to this sort of thing.