I think it's been a few years since we've had such a driech day in the
central lowlands.
100% rh, fine light drizzle, dead calm, unchanging temps and vis' less than
500m with eerie twilight.
Driech being a Scots word for a combination of mist, murk, drizzle and
depressing grey weather.
Driech days seemed more prevalent when I was a lad, often either in the days
preceeding snowy weather or accompanying a thaw. The only thing missing is
the smell of coal fires drifting down from chimney pots.
I'm hoping history repeats itself and we can grab some of the snow that will
be around on Thursday.
Alex Stephens Jr
Wishaw, North Lanarkshire, Scotland
N55บ47'14", W3บ55'15". 360ft/117m amsl