"Alex Stephens Jr" wrote in message
"ROBERT BROOKS" wrote in message
When was this Alex?
If you're referring to the last deep snowfall here?
It was 26/27th February 2001, when we had around 18 inches of snowfall,
and many drifts over 6ft after a severe blizzard.
If you're referring to mass shoe eating episodes, those who had to forfeit
will probably wish to remain anonymous. But, unlike Paul, they didn't
gamble on a foot of snow, just a covering.
And the substantial fall here in late Feb. 2001, was probably the only 1
foot + fall here since possibly 1991, but more likely January 1987.
So I was wrong when I said once in eight years here. More likely once in the
last seventeen years.
This part of the central Lowlands received approx. 2 feet of level snow in
January 1987. It led to a week off school, the only time that happened here
in my days as a pupil. It wasn't just a South East thing, contrary to
popular belief.
There's a page on my website recollecting these two substantial falls:
Alex Stephens Jr
Wishaw, North Lanarkshire, Scotland
N55บ47'14", W3บ55'15". 360ft/117m amsl