Greenland Glacial Calving and Sea Level
On 8/22/2010 6:22 PM, JohnM wrote:
On Aug 22, 3:21 pm, wrote:
On 8/21/2010 3:04 PM, Last Post wrote:
Greenland Glacial Calving and Sea Level
by Nils-Axel Mörner, Sea level specialist,
Paleogeophysics& Geodynamics
Nils-Axel Morner is a pathetic liar and an AGW denier. So I skipped the
rest of this trash.
Nevertheless, a simple contemplation of the amount of heat needed to
melt the ice-cap, and the rate at which this heat can be transferred
to the ice at a gradient of say 15 K, does lead one to suspect that
even a thousand years might not do it. Only unprecedented rates of
calving by glaciers, with rapid transport south once the bergs are in
the ocean, could bring us close to a 100 year time-scale.
What about the present day negative mass balance of nearly 240 km^3/yr
and an acceleration of -25 km^3/yr^2 observed by satellites? Just try to
estimate yourself how long it will take before we really lose Greenland?
Axel Morner denies these facts, he denies that the sea level accelerated
to presently 3.3 mm/yr which is more than twice the value up to the
start of the industrial revolution.
Real scientists don't deny facts and raise confusion all the time with
crappy hard to verify and sometimes even misleading statements.
Axel Morner does it all the time, and that is why he is a serial liar
and a AGW denier.