Greenland Glacial Calving and Sea Level
On Aug 22, 4:18*pm, JohnM wrote:
On Aug 22, 7:01*pm, BDR529 wrote:
On 8/22/2010 6:22 PM, JohnM wrote:
On Aug 22, 3:21 pm, *wrote:
On 8/21/2010 3:04 PM, Last Post wrote:
Greenland Glacial Calving and Sea Level
by Nils-Axel Mörner, Sea level specialist,
Paleogeophysics& * *Geodynamics
Nevertheless, a simple contemplation of the amount of heat needed to
melt the ice-cap, and the rate at which this heat can be transferred
to the ice at a gradient of say 15 K, does lead one to suspect that
even a thousand years might not do it. Only unprecedented rates of
calving by glaciers, with rapid transport south once the bergs are in
the ocean, could bring us close to a 100 year time-scale.
ø In one paragraph Morgan and BDR lay
themselves open to criticism from Junior High
school students. They have no data to start with
just guestimates and lots of ifs.
2- The summer melting season is only 4 months
long — much of the rest of the year the snow
piles up. Satellites have proved ineffective
measuring snow and ice, even to describing a
"lake the size of California" that was just ice.
3- The iceberg that broke off dates back
perhaps 1,500 years and had been floating
for hundreds of years and thus has no effect
on sea levels.
What made it break? It extended too far into
the ocean and the rising and falling tides
broke it
I presume you meant +25 km^3 yr^-2
ø Stupid data.
Axel Morner denies these facts,
ø They are not 'facts'
he denies that the sea level accelerated
to presently 3.3 mm/yr which is
ø He is the guy who measures sea levels so
he should know.
more than twice the value up to the
start of the industrial revolution.
ø Before 1850 was the little ice age
At that turn of events one might expect
some rising but it has not continued.
Real scientists don't deny facts and raise confusion all the time with
crappy hard to verify and sometimes even misleading statements.
ø You two do not have "facts" to deny and
are perpetually confused?