On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 20:25:02 +0000, Trevor Harley wrote in
I have a colleague who claims that it snowed in the Doncaster region on
26 September 1991.
I think this is most implausible, even on high ground. I know September
1991 was a warm month overall, but it had a cold, unsetttled spell
around the 26th - but not that cold.
Please tell me that I am right.
Trevor - I think you are indeed correct. I see a maximum here of 13.0C
following a min of 6.7C. It was cool but the 850 mb temp was about +2C in
that area, so the melting level would have been well above mountain tops.
Just possibly the Scottish mountain peaks would have seen some sleet/snow
showers. Could the "snow" have been graupel - soft hail? Even that seems
unlikely to me.
Charts are he
http://www.wetter-zentrale.de/topkar...ar=199 1&typ=
Mike 55.13°N 6.69°W Coleraine posted to uk.sci.weather 17/11/2004 20:40:24 UTC