On Sep 5, 5:48*pm, Natsman wrote:
On 5 Sep, 17:22, Mike McMillan wrote:
"In the spirit of transparency, I was wrong about global temp dropping
in August
The global temp DID NOT FALL in August as I had predicted it too.
Whether this a delay of my idea, or denial will be settled in the
spring. In the meantime the .51 was slightly cooler than the .52 in
August of 1998 and means this year still trails the warmest satellite
year on record, 1998"
The near surface temperatures at the moment are higher than 1998
Wow! *Big deal. *At least he has the humility to admit when he's in
error, which isn't often. *Compared to the rubbish normally put out by
the Met Office, he's an angel...
Have you found any admission that the reason he gave, in November
2009, for the colder winter that he forecast this year was an early
change to La Nina conditions that would cause global temperatures to
decrease rapidly by the start of December, was wrong?