"Graham P Davis" wrote in message
On Thursday 16 Sep 2010 08:50, Natsman scribbled:
On 16 Sep, 09:17, Graham P Davis wrote:
"Arctic sea ice appears to have reached its annual minimum extent on 10
September. The minimum ice extent was the third-lowest in the satellite
record, after 2007 and 2008, and continues the trend of decreasing
sea ice."
An arrested trend - one step forward, two steps back. The melting
season will probably start later each year, and the melt season will
be shorter. Ice will accumulate, it'll get colder. You can't odds
that, no matter how hard you try. Climate is cyclical, after the
warm, the cold. Alarmists are looking over the wrong shoulder...
Climate may be cyclical, but the cyclical trend should have been downwards
from around 1940 to 1990 and global temperatures should still be lower
than they were in the 40s.
Arctic ice, at the time of minimum extent, is at least 40% less than it
forty to fifty years ago and the thickness has halved. I'm still sticking
the forecast I made about half-a-dozen years ago that the ice will be gone
by 2020.
Deniers can't look over the wrong shoulder because they'd never be able to
see past the massive chips on both. That's assuming they could take their
heads out of the sand for long enough.
As you made an accusation that people who are sceptical of the AGW disaster
have a chip on their shoulder I thinks its appropriate that that is replied
to. If anything its my years of experience with the left in this country
that has driven my cynicsm. Why? Because there is an infantile disorder that
seems to afflict the privaledged people of affluent countries where there no
matter what hate the west and what it's acheived. Its all Geaorge Bush's
fault and big greedy America aided and abbetted by England and Israel . No
matter what in this left-wing mind set of self hatred western civilisation
is always the worst thing that's ever happened to this planet. In the
seventies when for a while the climate seemed to measure and feel like it
was cooling it was the fault of big oil and the affluent west now it has
warmed which by the way no has denied; then its the fault of bid oil and the
west. Rationality and truth is the first victim off self haters. Off course
Gore and George Soros opportunists who have already made millions upon
millions selling or forcing people to by useless technology are aided and
supported by what Lenin used to call usefull idiots AKA the self hateing
left wing..
Now Graham you say the deniers have a chip on their shoulders and I say my
arse they do. It's the enviro lefts that have the chip for the reasons I've