September 2010 - Penzance
PENZANCE - Alt 19m Aspect SSE
Av Max: 18.0 (-0.2)
Av Min: 11.6 (0.0)
Absolute Max: 20.5 - 20th (though 6 days reached 20C)
Absolute Min: 6.2 - 18th
Warmest Night: 16.2 - 11th
Lowest Max : 14.3 - 26th
(The lowest September max since 2000)
Total Rainfall: 106.4 (111%)
Wettest Day: 23.1 (22nd)
Rain Days: 16
Wet Days: 12
Days with thunder: 1
(In intense shower 0400 on 7th - 1st thunder of 2010!)
No hail
Strongest gust 27mph on 14th & 24th
A new record low for September. 2010 is, so far, continuing the 21stC
pattern of low average wind speeds & lack of gales. So much lower than
was typical in the early & mid 20th century (H H Lamb's English
climate shows just how much things have changed). Possibly down to the
lack of arctic sea ice & low temperature gradients in the Atlantic. It
is interesting how over history warmer periods in the UK have also
been less windy. The number of severe, damaging gales seems to be
relatively unchanged.
In the period of my records:-
Year Gales
1992 6
1993 13
1994 14
1995 13
1996 16
1997 14
1998 19
1999 15
2000 17
2001 5
2002 15
2003 9
2004 12
2005 7
2006 4
2007 11
2008 1
2009 4
2010 1 (so far)
Of course, this is in sheltered Penzance. The frequency would be much
greater Land's End.