On Oct 10, 3:31*pm, "Lawrence Jenkins" wrote:
"mumford" wrote in message
****head is back i see
Just sent a message that should have been private sorry all its to late now.
I 've tried to cancel it . Sorry.
As I said, you really are stupid, and that's how you are viewed,
though this was deliberate. I thought you might do this kind of thing,
so I was very careful what I said, but it means no-one could trust
you. Emails are private, but not to you and if you sent a reply, it
really is blocked. Siding with stalkers and the french fascist is not
the best of company, but you really are a fascist and your so-called
"science" is ridiculous.
I have a whole host of emails stored - from you and other so-called
"reasonable" posters. I've always refrained from posting them loo
roll, as it paints you and others in a dreadful light and far worse
than *anything* I've ever said.
First and last response you'll get from me on this one, though like
others of your foul kind, you won't be able to resist a reply.
However, you'll be viewed as something unrepeatable, for breaching
trust, by any reasonable person. Not that it will matter to someone
like you.