On 10 Oct, 18:53, Ian Sutherland
as a long time lurker in this group, I really can't belive how juvenile
people can be. *Grow up, get a life etc. *Now can we go back to the weather
Well said Ian.
I think that 'cyber-bullying' is the modern phrase to describe what
generally goes on here.
As with all bullying, the perpetrators will be the first to throw up
their hands in horror and plead innocence, but I think that anyone
with an unbiased view of the rights of everyone to hold a particular
viewpoint will shudder at how folk who openly admit to being over 60
years old can behave in this manner.
If this was an ng for the under 20s then while the bullying behaviour
would still be abhorrent, at least some leeway might be given for
youthful ignorance.
I presume that the same psychology is used on here as is portrayed by
certain drivers of motor vehicles, i.e. the perceived anonymity gives
certain people the feeling that they can get away with any behaviour
they like.