In article ,
Scott Whitehead writes:
Apologies if I'm jumping the gun but Mr Bartlett has still not issued
a winter forecast. The latest date he has published over the last few
years is November 18th (in '99). He said he wasn't going to bother
this year a couple of weeks back unless anything colder than an
average winter was likely. So I guess that's it then. Boring zonality
and a pattern, God forbid, similar to the winter of 1988 / 89!!!
I'm taking heart from the UCL website mentioned in this group a few
weeks ago:
Both their North Atlantic Storminess Forecast and their NAO forecast
suggest that a zonal winter is unlikely. That doesn't guarantee that it
will be cold, of course, still less that it will b e snowy, but at least
it means that there is a chance.
John Hall
"I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly,
will hardly mind anything else."
Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-84)