I went up Cairnsmore of Carsphairn (2650 ft) yesterday and
there was a rather nice temperature inverstion with other hill
tops standing out above the mist. An absolutely fabulous day in
the hills by the way with wall to wall blue skies above (and
cloud below). Ben Lomond visible to the north and the Lake
District hills to the south. Photo:
I took a glider up to a little under 3000 feet yesterday
afternoon, and observed the same blue skies above a layer of
mist with the hilltops protruding. The air was absolutely still,
with just a couple of knots of light breeze at ground level. No
photos, I'm sorry, because I didn't take a camera with me. Our
tug pilot, who is a commercial pilot by profession, had flown to
Stornoway and back in the morning and said there had been a
magnificent view over the inversion. However I saw no evidence
of dirty air.