Dirty Air
On 12 Oct, 10:46, "Roger Smith" wrote:
"Joe Egginton" wrote in message
...I It had methinks, at the distance of 20 miles what's difference between
the true and astronomical horizon?
Joe Egginton
175m asl
Joe, not sure what your question is in this context, but a rough-and-ready
figure I use is that at 1000 feet altitude the horizon is 40 miles away. *It
is essentially a square root relationship, so that to see a point on the
surface 20 miles away you need to be 250 feet up.
In a navigator's table the reductions allow for sighting to be reduced
from ship's bridges. I think the horizon observed at sea level is 3
miles. At least, IIRC, that is the computed limb observation time.