ECM and GFS really throwing up a cold second half of October
reported to isp and google
On 18/10/2010 4:29 PM, Dawlish wrote:
On Oct 17, 1:42 pm, "Lawrence wrote:
Now as you all know I'm no forecaster (gasps everywhere) and I have to rely
on my cold sore that always develops on my top lip right hand side, when a
cold Northerly or Easterly is in the offing and it's throbbing as I type.
So I guess not so much a weather forecast more of a lip service but it's
painfully accurate.
However, I like most here would have noticed that GFS and ECM are
consistently showing a very Northerly second half to October and to my
untrained eye but very sore lip it looks bloody chilly.
Anyone have any comments on this? Will.............?
This was just a guess from someone looking at a couple of model runs
and trying to say they'd seen something that will happen. There was no
consistency and that's why the models are not showing that any more.
There is still no consistency and forecasting at 10 days, from the
models over the past few days would have been no better than
guesswork. As evidenced by someone's sore lip.