Rapid Temperature Rise
On 26/10/2010 09:58, Jon O'Rourke wrote:
A quite dramatic increase in air temperature was recorded at
Bournemouth Airport this morning. At 0300Z it was +1.3°C with a very
light NW'ly, by 0330Z the wind had backed SW'ly, increased slightly
and the temperature had shot up to +9.8°C. A rise of 8.5 degrees in
The actual sequence was :-
0300Z +1.3
0310Z +5.2
0320Z +8.4
0330Z +9.8
It had several of us thinking of an October night in 1987.
The sea surface temperature in the English Channel is still well above
10C, so this is hardly surprising. A bit of local advection explains it
I had a similar experience about 0530Z at Ashurst (about 15 miles NE of
Bournemouth), watching the numbers steadily count up on my electronic
dew point sensor.
- Yokel -
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