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This posting expresses the personal view and opinions of the author.
Something which everyone on this planet should be able to do.
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Scott, IMO a completely zonal winter is unlikely. SST anomalies would
suggest frequent mid-Atlantic ridges and northerly plunges over the UK.
Further than that detail is impossible.
Oh sugar I've just done a winter LRF:-)
" Visit Haytor meteorological office at
http://www.lyneside.demon.co.uk/Hayt...met_office.htm "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
www: http://www.lyneside.demon.co.uk
DISCLAIMER - All views and opinions expressed by myself are personal
and do not necessarily represent those of my employer.
"Scott Whitehead" wrote in message
Apologies if I'm jumping the gun but Mr Bartlett has still not issued
a winter forecast. The latest date he has published over the last few
years is November 18th (in '99). He said he wasn't going to bother
this year a couple of weeks back unless anything colder than an
average winter was likely. So I guess that's it then. Boring zonality
and a pattern, God forbid, similar to the winter of 1988 / 89!!!