Sun affects the Earth's climate
On Oct 29, 11:39*am, Martin Brown
There are a lot of competing effects. Be very careful that your green
activism does not run away with you - it helps the anti-science
opposition when well meaning green environmentalists make ludicrous
claims about the short to medium term future which fail to come true.
Since you are resorting to ad hominem arguments by accusing me of
being a green activist I see no point in continuing this discussion.
But can I just point out that it is the refusal of people like you,
Will, Philip, and Dr Vicky Pope to face up to the real dangers of
climate change, and your denial of its consequences such as the
melting of the Arctic sea ice, the Moscow and the Paris heat waves,
and the record flooding in the UK, which is providing the real comfort
to the sceptic movement. What are the public supposed to believe when
time and again the scientist say that they do not know if each
disaster is caused by climate change. When are they going to be honest
and admit that it probably is?
And wild speculation at that. If the higher UV level does anything it
will alter the high level ozone distribution. Very little UV reaches the
surface of the Earth.
Oh good, does that mean I should ignore those warning from the Met
Office about UV levels?
Cheers, Alastair.