Date: 20 NOV 2004
Time Wind Visibility Weather Cloud Temp/Dewpoint
GMT Dir Bft
0715 W F1 9999 - 8/AS T011D002
RMK: OVERNIGHT AIR MIN 0.0DEGC; Slight/patchy hoar frost=
0900 WSW F1 9999 - 1/SC 8/AS T019D010
RMK: Confirm no PPN: AS thickened/lowered past hour
1000 WSW F2 9999 -RA 1/SC 8/AS T027D017
RMK: Rain very light - commenced 0955Z. Visibility =15km=
1100 WSW F2 9999 -RA 6/SC 8/AS T028D016
RMK: Rain steady/continuous (ww=61); Visibility down slightly, but
still 10km; all surfaces damp=
1200 VRB F1 8000 -RA HZ 7/ST 8/SC T027D016
RMK: Rain steady/light/continuous throughout hour (ww=61); Visibility
now coming down; all surfaces set: wind ocnl S or SW F2=
SPEC M ....
1205 VRB F1 7000 -RASN HZ 7/ST 8/SC T027D016
RMK: 'SNOW' Snow element very slight but definite: no settling of
anything likely - surfaces wet and about 2degC above zero=
1300 CALM F0 6000 RASN BR 7/ST 8/ST T025D014
RMK: Note slight drop in temp/dewpoint - moderate PPN since ~1240Z but
snow element *very* intermittent & non-sig; surfaces wet=
SPEC M ....
1308 CALM F0 4500 -SN BR 8/ST T023D015
RMK: Snow large flakes, but light/falling vertically (hence calm);
surfaces wet=
1400 CALM F0 3000 -SN BR 8/ST T019D009
RMK: Ocnl reversion to sleet (partially melted snow variety) during
past hour, but mostly snow - often large aggregates: a *little* settling
on parked cars and grass, but state of ground wet; wind ocnl VRB/F1;
Visibility reduction mainly due to BR rather than -SN=
SPEC B ....
1408 E F1 4000 -RASN 8/ST
RMK: after a very short period about 10 mins ago when SN (moderate) and
vis ~2500M, now eased considerably and now back to melting snow variety.
Suspect easing to rain/sleet then nil is the trend; surfaces wet=
1500 E F2 4000 -RASN BR 8/ST T016D007
RMK: Wind 'boxed the compass' past hour, and varied from Calm to VRB/F1
to current easterly F2; mostly rain/snow mixed, but short period fine
rain/drizzle; Total rainfall 09-15Z 3.6mm;
1800 SE F2 5000 -RA BR 2/ST 7/SC 8/AS T016D010
DAY MAX (09-18z): 02.8 DEGC: DAY RAINFALL (09-18z): 4.3 MM=
Martin Rowley: data via -
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N): Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)