the terylene winter forecast 2010/11
"Richard Dixon" wrote in message
Hugh Newbury wrote in news:8j50liFmj5U1
You remind me of an old Welsh friend of mine Nye Lon
I hear they both drive Dai Hatsus.
This is turning into an I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue "late arrivals" thread
But it's better than some threads have been on here :-)
Sorry, knackered, just got back from walking the coast path from Widemouth
Bay to Padstow, 40 miles and 10000 feet (3000m) of ascent all told! Only 460
miles to go now. I picked these three days for the weather and my forecast
was good, but a bit windy today. Cornish seas were lively but not rough, saw
a young lady swimming in just a bikini (a brave lass). Plenty of surfers,
windsurfers, coasteerers enjoying the conditions.
Strange to feel like coming home once we crossed the Tamar back into Devon