Romsey... coldest November day for 11 years
Today's max air temp of +2.9C is the lowest here
since 28 Nov 1993.
20/0900-2100Z NCM:
03/// 444 00029 10018 20066=
max temp (09-21)... +2.9C.
min temp (09-21)... +1.8C.
rainfall (09-21)... 6.6mm.
Current weather (at 2050Z):
wind... E'ly, force 3.
weather... moderate rain and drizzle (continuous slight to
moderate pptn for the last 13 hours).
clouds... 8/8 Stratus; lowest patches around 400ft below the
main base of approx. 800ft (easier to define the
cloud structure now in the glow of Southampton
to my southeast than at any time during daylight
hours today!)
dry bulb... +2.4C.
dewpoint... +1.9C.
RH... 96%.
sea level pressure... 1023.0mb (falling slowly).
rainfall last hour... 0.6mm.
beaufort letters (1950-2050Z)... cdorodoro,cdr.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire).