Net Weather Forecasting a Cold Winter
On Nov 4, 10:09*am, Stephen Davenport wrote:
Which brings me to my final point - there are a lot more seasonal
forecasts in the market than are made freely available, and it is
wrong to say that there has been no progress in the last 20 years.
Nobody is suggesting a *high* degree of accuracy or usefulness in
these forecasts but there is *some* usefulness or the eminently
sensible and thrifty clients who buy them would not do so. I am
fortunate enough to be privy to one that proved startlingly good last
winter and during the past summer when there was a strong enough
signal. We have no right to assume, however, that accurate seasonal
forecasting will ever be tenable, ot at least not soon.
The most sense I've heard on here on the topic.
You're a fool to pin your hopes on a seasonal forecast as much as you
are to totally rubbish them all.