English Snow
:gordon ramsay mode on..
i mean everyone is ****ing wrong arent they?
your ****ing right all the time arent you? mr NO ****ing no forecast. mr
no balls.
no history, no techinical knowledge, doesnt event know what a rosby wave
is, no visible track record.
:gordon ramsay mode off
On 09/11/2010 4:34 PM, Dawlish wrote:
And so have you.
Amazingly, it's not a "swipe" it's frustration that forecasting is not
better than it is. I *always* support MetO professional forecasters
(forget what Dixon says, he's hardly objective), but I will have the
courage pick them up when forecasts aren't right and not be
sycophantic. What the public want are accurate forecasts.
Unfortunately that is not possible to meet that demand at present, so
what we need are forecasters and forecasting agencies with little
hubris and a great deal of willingness to acknowledge failings and to
explain. If that were the case, the MetO and its employees would have
*far* more public support than they do at present. "Better safe than
sorry" has been the forecasting maxim since the October 1987 storm; a
truism reflected in the severe weather warning site and commented upon
often by so many others, apart from me.