[OBS] Romsey - Thursday 11th November 2010
A traditional wet and windy autumn scene. It was raining
when I peeked outside at 0415Z and some heavy rain fell
at times between 0600Z and 0700Z. Rise in temperature
of more than 12 degrees Celsius overnight.
SYNOP 11/0850Z (current ob)
03/// 41350 82120 10110 20101 49890 57059 76366 887//
333 86707 88712 91032 90710 91138=
EG// 110850Z 21020G32KT 5000 RA BKN007 OVC012
11/10 Q//// GRN=
wind... SW by S, force 5 (gust 38kt in past hour).
visibility... 5000m.
weather... continuous moderate rain.
clouds... 6/8 St at 700ft, 8/8 St at 1200ft.
dry bulb... +11.0C.
dewpoint... +10.1C.
RH... 94%.
sea level pressure... 989.0mb (falling quickly).
max temp (10/0900-11/0900Z)... +11.1C.
min temp (10/0900-11/0900Z)... -1.1C.
rainfall last hour... 1.6mm.
24 hour rainfall (10/0900-11/0900Z)... 10.5mm.
beaufort letters (0750-0850Z)... cr,crr.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl