On Nov 15, 5:12*pm, Graham Easterling wrote:
Prolonged sunshine, with very light winds (always a nice change down
here in the winter half of the year) and very good visibility. There
was a ground frost this morning, min air temperature 1.6C
Surf's been very messy lately, even when the winds been light, though
starting to clean up today.
Very big swell forecast for Weds, with a good 14 sec period. Triple
overhead - (that's 18' on the beach!) forecast for Sennen.http://magicseaweed.com/spot-forecas...potId=4×tamp=1...
. Could be quite a spectacular wave if the wind drops out behind the
front, which it's forecast to do to some extent.
Come & see ithttp://www.turnstone-cottage.co.uk/
Sea temperature only slowly edging down, 12.5-13C currentlyhttp://www.channelcoast.org/data_management/real_time_data/charts/?ch...
Just realised I gave the surf link for 6am Thurs. Still it's 23'
breaking wave on the beach then, which, if it occurs, will be well
worth seeing. Interestingly bigger than the open sea swell - 18'. This
is due to the swell direction, WNW. The long period also means there
should be a good deal of refraction and focusing on low tide sand bars
at the NE end of the beach