Adrian D. Shaw wrote in message ...
:Felly sgrifennodd Colin Youngs :
:Q is not a common letter in German so it is not easy to find names that
:begin with it.
:Are there no names beginning with Quelle (source, spring, fountain)? I
:suppose word order dictates that this element would normally be found
:at the end of a name (e.g. Rheinquelle etc).
Surely no-one would be given the name Rheinquelle (source of the Rhine) !
You are right about the normal word order. There are words beginning with
the element Quelle- , e.g. Quellenangabe (indication of source when quoting
someone's work), but not names, as far as I know.
Female Q names used for depressions in 2004 have been Queenie, Quintessa,
Quiana, Queen (?) and Quimburga.
Male Q names used for anticyclones have been Quintus and Quinzy (?). See
Even in English I can't think of many male names starting with Q -
Quentin, Quincey, Quasimodo (!) ...
Colin Youngs