On Nov 22, 8:46*pm, santiago wrote:
doesnt anyone like snow anymore?
or is this old skool u.s.w psychology at work
I do not like cold weather and to have snow on top of it makes it
even worse. This is also the view of the vast majority of people I
know. Well, it would be; they're adults and have to go to work and
don't like sitting for hours in traffic jams, like my neighbour last
winter. Or they have interests or a social or cultural life they wish
to pursue which involve travel and like me don't think much of being
confined to their houses because the roads are too treacherous or
completely snarled up. Also, snow is cold, very cold. Cold = Bad;
Warm = Good, except on this group, obviously, which contains some of
the most bizarrely unrepresentative people I have ever come across.
If you enjoy battling the elements for its own sake then good luck to
you but I've got better things to do.
If the forecast snow fails to materialise I will regard that as
a result, simply for the sake of convenience and comfort, though it
will be very interesting investigating the reasons. Let's hope it
does indeed all go tits up, as someone suggested earlier.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.