On Nov 22, 10:36*pm, claudio cannigia
this man have big heart. . the world need listen to him for he speak
much sensible
Al Gore ... said the year 2010 had seen worst of climate change.
“There was severe drought in Russia and extreme flooding in Pakistan.
What more evidence is required for action,”
“There are six anti-climate lobbyists for every member of the Senate,"
he said, adding that such interest groups backed by billions of
dollars by polluting companies in US were making an organised attempt
to change the public opinion on climate change.
"They believe that by deceiving people and creating false doubts
climate science, they can delay the legislation," the Nobel Peace
Prize winner for year 2007 with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC), said.
This is roughly what I was saying to Col, although I did not quite put
it that way. Sorry Col :-(
Cheers, Alastair.