In message , Will Hand
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This posting expresses the personal view and opinions of the author.
Something which everyone on this planet should be able to do.
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Pardon me for blowing my own trumpet but my forecast issued last Thursday is
turning out to be a real "stonker" and probably one of my best.
" On Wednesday the cold front pushes south bringing a spell of rain to all
areas followed by showers. Turning colder from the north as southwesterly
winds turn into the northwest and then north and then strengthen. Snow
showers arriving in the Scottish mountains later in the day.
On Thursday a cold northerly airstream will spread south to all areas. In
the north and east the wind will be fresh to strong but lighter elsewhere.
Wintry showers over Scotland with snow above 1000 feet. A few rain showers
in eastern parts of England but many other places staying mainly dry with
only a few showers and some southern areas turning sunny and rather cold.
Turning frosty on thursday evening.
On Friday after a frosty start with one or two wintry showers in the east,
all areas look like turning fine and sunny as a ridge pushes in from the
west. However, cloud and rain arriving in the northwest later. Turning
milder again.
The weekend looks like being changeable and mainly mild with rain at times
followed by showers. "
At this rate I'll be able to set up a Premium area at Haytor meteorological
Only joking Mr Employer :-)
Well what is going to happen next week. In a word - MILD. Hope Paul Bartlett
will be OK and doesn't injure himself stabbing the high with a pair of
dividers. Hope Mr Fish is getting on well with his new boss :-)
Main forecast will be issued tomorrow as usual.
Chief forecaster USW
" Visit Haytor meteorological office at "
Will, well done. The snowfall fight on Thursday exceeded the total of
last winter. An horrendous 2CM it lay around for a couple of days.
All gone of course. Poorly forecast IMHO. Anyway great snowball fights
broke out among us all. And I at 62 am the youngest. We need more.
By the way you will have noticed that this welcome fall I have not
linked to a severe/cold winter.
'Wisest are they that know they do not know.' Socrates.
Paul Bartlett FRMetS