Another Top International Scientist Jumps off Global Warming ‘Titanic’
On Nov 25, 4:38*pm, columbiaaccidentinvestigation
On Nov 25, 12:34*pm, Bruce Richmond wrote:" Any
time you want to discuss physics"
Interesting reply from somebody who ingores the stratosphere. *Any
time you want to discuss gravity waves, Quasi-Biennial Oscillation,
Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events, and Stratospheric-Tropospheric
exchange, come back. *But i know you need to hide behind your smear
tactics, as to ensure your idiocy is preserved. *Dont worry, your
secret is safe here, i wont reveal to anybody how you need to avoid
physics just so you continue to act like a troll.
And once again you have ignored the energy resource of OTEC. I
suppose that could be because we weren't discussing it, but that
doesn't seem to be a valid reason in your book.