Well living in SE London and looking at that low next Tuesday/Wednesday and
how far north it ends up, I guess the question for me is.
Looks like yet another non event!
I do a daily forecast on our local radio station in North Staffs and for the
last 4 days I've forecast dry, very cold and frosty weather and have been
spot on, not a flake in sight

My forecast for the weekend is dry, cold and frosty and little change next
week apart form the chance of a few snow showers around mid week, that's how
confident I am

People at the station ask why my weekly forecast doesn't mention snow or
blizzards, my reply is simple, I leave that to BBC and the press!
Another sunny but very cold day today, sunshine totals already way above
average and with plenty more to come until the end of the month.
Max today, 1.5c and already down to -4.4c