Alex Stephens wrote:
The air temperature has now dropped to -10ºC in Wishaw. Only the
second time I've ever recorded such a value in November. Given skies
remain clear throughout the night, goodness knows what the minimum
will be.
We are forecast a snowfest tomorrow into Monday, and the 15cm's warned
of by the met seems to be on the lean side given the "perfect" set up
that is now evolving. Shades of January 1987 indeed.
Minimums nearer -20ºC may be the case later in the week, and with
heavy snow and blizzards galore there must be a danger of the UK
sinking by next weekend due to weight of snow!
I thought last winter was good!
Wishaw, Central lowlands
We don't mind you Scots having all the snow and media coverage Alex. Us
southern softies wouldn't be able to cope anyway ;-)