"Dave.C" wrote in message
... and they bring back memories. I was due to fly from Heathrow to
Australia in November 1993 and hit a hard freeze. There was a heavy
in London followed by at least a day of freezing fog which naturally
all the transport up that day! Looking at those charts it must have been
around Nov 21st when there was an Easterly and a Scandi High of 1050mb.
Remember them?
Rather surprisingly for the 1990's the 21/22nd November 1993 gave me my
lowest max (0.0°C) and lowest min (-4.0°, but shared with 23rd and 24th
1983) for November since records began here in 1979. Not much snow here
though, just a couple of mornings with 1"max. I was sure there had been
colder days here in late November but the records say otherwise.
Incidentally the following November saw the lowest maximum being a balmy
All the best
George in Epping, West Essex (107m asl)