On Dec 2, 10:01*am, James Brown
Looking at:
It seems to want to bring in an extended period of milder conditions.
More snow flurries here in S Wales
James Brown
It can't be described as a warm outlier, James, as the operational
follows the mean and the plume fairly closely to the 14th. (A little
warmer next week, granted). Even at that distance, we are beyond
model forecasting usefulness and it reflects a Haytor reading of the
runes, from then on.
Personally, I see no agreement, or consistency and at 10 days, I have
fairly low confidence in any outcome. An Atlantic block, developing
next week is likely, but beyond that, I really don't think anyone
knows. With luck, that high will sink southwards, after sitting over
the UK for a few days, bringing in south-westerlies and a warmer feel.
That's a "with luck" hopecast though!