[OBS] Romsey - Sunday 5th December 2010
The sun is clearly in the wrong hemisphere as it lacks
the strength to budge the fog or raise the temperature.
Fog rolled in across Romsey at 0800Z, thickest at
around 1030Z with 200m visibility but has stuck at
about 300m for the past hour. From time to time,
the sun is just discernible.
The general snow cover is 10%, although the local
overgrazed equine field has kept 70% cover of 1cm.
SYNOP 05/1150Z (current ob)
03/// 31/03 90103 10001 21002 40052 54000 74541
333 41998=
EG// 051150Z 01003KT 0300 FG VV/// 00/M00
Q//// RED=
wind... N by E, force 1.
visibility... 300m.
weather... fog.
clouds... sky obscured.
dry bulb... +0.1C.
dewpoint... -0.2C.
RH... 98%.
sea level pressure... 1005.2mb (steady)
beaufort letters (1050-1150Z)... ff.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl