[OBS] Romsey - Sunday 5th December 2010
"Martin Rowley" wrote in message
"Nigel Paice" wrote ...
The sun broke through properly and we were out of
fog limits by 1315Z but fog banks were never very
far away, advecting back in at 1520Z at quite a rate
of knots, thicker than before. Best visibility today
was 1500m and we enjoyed bright sunshine for a
couple of hours with an edge of Cirrostratus seen
to the south. Quite a transformation back into the
gloom in a matter of minutes.
The air temperature has fallen sharply from a max
of +2.4C at 1505Z to just +0.5C, 45 minutes later.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl
... yes, we're going the same way: afternoon maximum 3.7°C, and the bright
sunshine was welcome, but now (1800Z), it is -0.8°C, virtually clear
skies, the pavements 'sparkling' in the street lights and the fog is
closing in. A 'chilled to the bone' sort of evening.
Guess you might get some rime ice though to add a bit of sparkle in the
It can be so beautiful you know, especially just after the fog has lifted
and the sun shines on it.
Eskimo Will