In article
Teignmouth writes:
The reality is the UK is experiencing an exceptional cold spell, the
current CET is -2.0c, that is a whopping -7.6c below normal or, to put
it another way more than 4 Standard Deviations below the 1971-2009
normal of +4.8c. Someone with a maths degree should be able to
calculate the probabilty of this occuring. Philip Eden's CET
Also, there is a thread on TWO comparing this December with previous
December Central England Temperatures, worth a look.
So I make no appologies for talking about this current cold spell, and
suggesting that it may be a once in a liftime event, because I've
never experienced such a cold start to December/Winter in my 39 years
on this planet.
I can't recall such a cold start to the month, but the cold spell in
December 1981, which started somewhere around the 8th, I think was
comparable in its severity.
John Hall
"I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly,
will hardly mind anything else."
Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-84)