In article
Teignmouth writes:
Prodata, I use an Excel Spreadsheet Function *(STDEV) which estimates
the Standard Deviation based on a sample of the data set 1971-2009 so,
can't say whether they are normally distributed as I don't have a
degree in maths. There is also a SKEW Function, but I'm not sure how
to use that one with the STDEV Function.
ISTR that for the winter months the distribution is skewed, with the
coldest months in the whole CET series being below the mean by more than
the warmest months are above it. (That means that there are rather more
months above the mean than below it, ie the median is rather greater
than the mean.)
John Hall
"I look upon it, that he who does not mind his belly,
will hardly mind anything else."
Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-84)