poor andrew bond NOT!
I'm sick to the back teeth of this inflammatory type of posting. I simply
try to help by posting the latest run and I get stuff like the last post.
It's quite simple, a forecast is just that until the period is over.
If these model threads are simply going to degenerate into "it's not what
such and such forecasted" etc then I'd rather not play a part at all.
So when he gets it right he does a big smile becomes really happy and boasts
about it giving himself reason to brag!!
But if he gets it wrong Nobody is allowed to say anything , if people dont
like the forecast Nobody is allowed to say anything
What a joker!! hopefully while he is snowboarding an avalanche will cover
him up never to be heard from again.
"the cool down will be remarkable and next week will be the week that
Winter bites" -- really? none of the models agree with that
what happened to the snow that monday, what happened to snow from the 22 -
27th? sigh Andrew bond should quit!